Sanger Metal



The items mentioned in this chapter illustrate just a small part of all lifting gear accessories that we make or have made. The accessories shown, however, are the ones that are most asked for so far. The accessories shown include:
•Cargo hooks,
•Triangle plates,
•Riggers screw and
•Wear plates.
Do not get misled by the indicated sizes limits. E.g. we have made triangle plates up to WLL 600 tons.

Inspection, testing and maintenance
•Check the components daily visually for damages and dirt.
•Have items be inspected at least once a year by a surveyor for proper functioning and damages.
•The items should be disassembled at least every 4 years by a specialist, for inspection of wear, hidden damages or beginning cracks and have the swivels tested by an authorized testing body.
•After repair, items have to be tested by an authorized testing body.
•If the item is equipped with grease nipples, preferably grease every 24 hours at continuous use and every fortnight at discontinuous use.
•Parts should be replaced if wear is 5% or more (e.g. hooks, jaws, bolts and eyes).

Directions for use
•For connections, only use components (sockets, shackles) that are suitable for the indicated working load limit (WLL).
•Alloy and DIN hooks are supplied with safety latch. Cargo hooks are not.
•The hook must always support the load. The load must never be supported by the latch.

•Never repair, alter, rework or reshape a hook by welding, heating, burning or bending.
When placing 2 sling legs in a hook, make sure that the angle between the legs does not exceed


• Never side load, back load or tip load a hook.

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